Smart Card Manager update

Smart Card Manager update

Published on 17 December 2021 at 11:40 - Modified the 18 December 2023 at 02:00

From 1 January 2022, the old version of the Smart Card Manager software, which allows you to use your USB Monegasque identity card or residence permit reader on your computer will no longer be supported by MConnect.

You will need to update to the latest version of this software (, which is available for Windows and Mac OS X here:

The update is not automatic. You will need to download it and launch the installation. It takes just a few seconds.

What happens if I don’t install this update?

If you don’t install the update, then when you insert your card into the USB reader or when you are using your digital identity for authentication or signature purposes on MConnect partner sites, you may encounter the following error message:

Message d'erreur ancienne version SCM


Why do I need to install this update?

Constantly changing security standards mean that it is sometimes necessary to make changes to the design of electronic certificates or the associated USB media to maintain the highest levels of security.

From 01/01/2022, the previous version of the software ( will no longer be supported and there will be no patches in the event of any bugs.

Version can read all cards and permits issued in the Principality from June 2021 onwards.

How can I check which version of Smart Card Manager is installed on my computer?

 1. Open your Smart Card Manager software:

  • Click on the following icon at the bottom right of the taskbar (next to the clock on Windows):
Icone SCM
  • Or in the Windows Menu: "Imprimerie Nationale" then "Smart Card Manager"
  • On Mac: search for "Smart Card Manager" in Finder

2. Select "About":

Icone parametres SCM

This is the previous version of the software:–end of life on 01/01/2022:

Ecran version

Here is the new version that is available (to be installed if you still have the previous one):

Ecran version

How can I check that Smart Card Manager is working properly?

Use your digital identity to log into or any other digital identity partner service

If you have any questions, help is available via the usual contacts.